Installation Metamorphosen Heraklion

more Information English/Greek

Metamorphosen - Seidene Fäden, die sich durch die Verbrechen der deutschen Wehrmacht auf Kreta ziehen, Stoa Makazi, Heraklion Metamorphosen - Seidene Fäden, die sich durch die Verbrechen der deutschen Wehrmacht auf Kreta ziehen, Stoa Makazi, Heraklion

Μεταμορφωσεις – Ιστοριες για μεταξωτά νήματα που ηφαίνονται με τα εγκλήματα της γερμανικής “Βέρμαχτ“ στην Κρήτη, Στοά Μακάσι, Ηρακλείο

Metamorphosis – Talking about – silken threads interwoven in the warcrimes of the German “Wehrmacht“ on Crete, Stoa Makazi, Heraklion

Mit: Polymnia Lakiotaki, Stella Melina Vassilaki, Artemissia Anastassopoulou, Eleni Papadaki, Zambia Tzanakaki, Katerina Kondaxaki, Deborah Jeromin, Studio Pandan, A und V e.V., KGV Hoffnung West 1926 e.V

Συντελεστές: Πολύμνια Λακιωτάκη, Στέλλα Μελίνα Βασιλάκη, Αρτεμισία Αναστασοπούλου, Ελένη Παπαδάκη, Ζαμπία Τζανακάκη, Κατερίνα Κονδαξάκη, Ντέμπορα Τζερόμιν, Studio Pandan, A und V e.V., KGV Hoffnung West 1926 e.V.

30.08. – 26.9.2017
mixed media

Silken threads interwoven in the war crimes of the German "Wehrmacht" in Crete

Exhibition in the Stoa Makazi, in the old Venetian City Walls with an original handkerchief. It was made of a parachute, which was used by German paratroopers invading Crete in May 1941, found in Heraklion Area. The 18 minutes long video shows excerpts of interviews with Cretan time witnesses. They share their memories from May 1941 until 1944. Through remembering their textile handcraft processes the old women describe the war crimes of the German Wehrmacht and their impact on the everyday life in the villages. They are also original documents and their Greek and English translations from 1938 – 1943. They document how the National Socialists organized and promoted silk production in Germany. In the last part of the exhibition you can find a piece of silk – feel free to explore the qualities of this fabric.

Plakat Tuch Diskussionsrunde

Gefördert von der Stiftung EVZ – Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft

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